Black Indigo Color Hex. The indigo color is a shade of purple and has a hex code value of 4b0082 has a rgb value of rgb 750130 and has indigo as its css name. 3D007B or 0x3D007B is unknown color.
4b0082 hex color red value is 75 green value is 0 and the blue value of its RGB is 130. The hexadecimal color 7e52c3 is a color blue whose writing is rgb126 82 195 either 49 of red 32 of green 76 of blue. The HSL value is hsl100 171 46 either a shade of 100 a saturation of 171 and a brightness of 46.
The hexadecimal color 7e52c3 is a color blue whose writing is rgb126 82 195 either 49 of red 32 of green 76 of blue.
Sum of RGB RedGreenBlue 610123184 24 of max value 765. Let me tell you Indigo is one of the most confusing colors out there. Color name Indigo hex code 4f84c4 contains symbol and 6 letters or numbers. Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 565 cyan 100 magenta 0 yellow and 0 black.